‘Westworld’ Creator’s Pete Arredondo Has A Life-Changing Story For You

‘Westworld’ Creator’s Pete Arredondo Has A Life-Changing Story For You

This article discusses the journey of Aaron Paul and Pete Arredondo from their time working on the HBO show “Westworld.” The beginning of their friendship, their goals for their acting careers, what it was like to film ‘The Maze’ episode, and some lessons learned about life.

-We had the opportunity to interview Aaron Paul in Los Angeles. He was shooting a pilot that seemed to be going well and he also answered our questions. Here is the transcript of the interview:

Here are some photos from Aaron’s time on set in Spain, where he filmed ‘The Maze.’ You can see more of his photos here.

What was it like working on “Westworld” and what did you take away from your experience?

Working on “Westworld” was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had. It took me to places I didn’t think I’d go, did things I never thought would happen and gave me an opportunity to work with people I looked up to and was inspired by.

The fans, the crew and cast have all been incredible, a huge group of people that I don’t think I’d be able to be as grateful as I am if it weren’t for “Westworld.”

 What are you going to miss most about “Breaking Bad”?

I think what I’m going to miss most about Breaking Bad is the people, especially Bryan Cranston and the rest of the cast. We became tight friends and will certainly stay in touch. It was an incredible experience and one that I hope to never repeat but definitely remember with fondness.

What has changed since you first started working on “Breaking Bad”?

Working on “Breaking Bad” was only my second job ever

Westworld Creator Pete Arredondo’s Inspirational Journey: How He Came to Write ‘Westworld’

Westworld creator Pete Arredondo’s journey to writing Westworld is quite inspiring. After being diagnosed with cancer at a young age, Arredondo fought through the tough times and emerged victorious.

-He now has the opportunity to share his story with others, and he’s using it to inspire them to fight for their dreams.

-Arredondo was born in California and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. In high school, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. The chemotherapy treatments left him weak and sick, but he refused to give up hope.

He continued his education and eventually graduated from college with a degree in creative writing.

Despite the diagnosis, Arredondo never gave up on himself or his dreams. He started working as a writer for various television shows and soon got his big break when he was hired to write for HBO’s Westworld.

The show became a massive success, and Arredondo is now considered one of the world’s leading writers for science fiction and fantasy TV shows.

-Arredondo’s story is an inspiring example of how anything is possible if you put your mind to it. His journey has taught him that nothing is impossible if you have determination and faith in yourself. He is currently hard at work on an upcoming sci-fi series for HBO.

The Difficulties of Writing a TV Show About Robots, Guns and Violence

Writer Pete Arredondo talks about the difficulties of writing a TV show about robots, guns and violence. In this blog post, he tells the story of how his life changed after his show was picked up by HBO. The other day on Facebook I posted a status update saying how excited I was to be writing a TV show with robots, guns and violence.

This prompted a few questions as to who I am, what my show is and what exactly are the difficulties of writing a show like this. First things first, it’s not easy being me. I grew up in South Central Los Angeles surrounded by gangs and drug dealers.

-For most of my childhood it felt like there were two crowds in school: gang members or people whose family had died because of violent crime. It took me many years of self-reflection before realizing that one way to feel safe is not to give people any opportunities for… Free View in iTunes

What Arnold Means to Him

If there’s one thing that Pete Arredondo can say with certainty, it’s that Arnold means the world to him. The Westworld creator has spoken at length about his admiration for the android’s character, and how his life has been changed by meeting him.

Arredondo was born with a severe form of cerebral palsy, which left him unable to speak or move from the age of three.

Despite this challenge, he persevered and graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Economics. It was while studying at the university that he met Arnold, who was touring the school as part of an advertising campaign.

Arredondo was touched by Arnold’s kindness and decided to create a show based on the android’s life. He has since worked on Westworld with fellow creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, and is currently working on a new show called Strange Angel.

Arredondo’s story is an inspiring one, demonstrating that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. With hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams. true

Arrendondo’s Advice For Those Looking To Pursue Their Dreams

If you’re looking to chase your dreams, there’s one person you should talk to: Pete Arrendondo. The Westworld creator has experienced more than most and still managed to pursue his passions in life. Here are five tips from the man himself on how to do the same:


Don’t be afraid to fail. As Arrendondo says, “failure is a critical part of success.” You’ll learn valuable lessons from your failures that you can use to improve your next attempt.


Believe in yourself. No matter what others may say, believe in your own ability and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


Take risks. You won’t be successful if you don’t take risks in life, and the same goes for your dreams as well. Be daring and let go of fear.


Be persistent. Just because something might not seem worth it right now doesn’t mean it won’t become worth it in the future. Persevere and don’t give up on your dreams – they’ll come true if you keep working hard at them!


network with likeminded people. If you want to achieve great things, networking is essential . It’s also a great way to learn about new opportunities. Even if you have no money, there is always someone out there who can help you in your situation, and then you’ll have it easier to kickstart your next venture.


Don’t pay attention to the negative people in your life. There are many who will try to bring you down, but it’s up to you whether or not that’s worth paying attention too. Just remember – the haters gonna hate!


start small (and cheap). Once you’ve got something working and adjusted, don’t be afraid to take the next step into something bigger and better.

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