Trump Rally Tonight

Trump Rally Tonight

Do you want to know what the latest Trump news is or how the big presidential election played out? Whether you’re a Trump supporter or someone who’s on the fence, this post is for you!

-True to his word, the president-elect is making good on his campaign promises to let people know exactly what he intends to do for them. he will keep his word; that’s why we need him.

What is a Trump Rally?

A Trump rally is a large public gathering in support of President Donald Trump. The rallies are usually held in arenas or stadiums and have been noted for their large crowds and enthusiastic supporters. Trump’s rallies are well attended.

-According to The New York Times, Trump’s rallies have been attended by well over 30,000 people at times. According to the Washington Post, Trump’s rallies have routinely drawn crowds that were larger than or equal to some of the most significant political events in modern history including President Barack Obama’s inauguration and former President George W.

-Bush’s second inauguration. These numbers are mind-blowing when you consider that these events were held in major cities across America.

-Trump also speaks at campaign rallies; however his speeches are largely off the record and not open to public scrutiny as is typical for a political candidate.

In fact, Trump has been accused of giving his supporters what amounts to “brainwashing” sessions.“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a Trump supporter interviewed by the Washington Post. “Trump is speaking to us directly, putting himself in our situations. He tells us that he knows how we feel and things that are on our minds.

-It is one-on-one. You can tell he cares about each person there. I cannot make this up!”A typical example of Trump’s unique rally style includes an interaction with a young child: This child was not allowed to be at her father’s funeral until she got her parents permission to attend the rally in person — a clear violation of parental trust

How to Watch a Trump Rally

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve probably been glued to your television screen watching President Trump rally supporters in various parts of the country. If you’re looking to watch a rally live, here’s how to do it:


Find the rally location. The president’s rallies are typically held in large arenas or stadiums. If you can’t find the location on Google Maps, use the event’s official website or Twitter account to track down the address.


Plan your arrival. Most rallies start at 7 p.m. EST and last for two hours or more. Arrive early to get a good spot and avoid long lines at the entrance.


Be prepared for loud noises and crowds. The arena can get extremely loud, so be prepared for ear-piercing chants and cheering fans. And keep in mind that people attending rallies are usually enthusiastic supporters of the president, so expect some hostility directed your way if you disagree with Trump’s policies or statements.


Resist body contact or intimidation. Journalists covering the event have been intimidated and physically assaulted at Trump rallies, so avoid personal contact with people in attendance. Instead, focus on the issues at hand and keep your camera handy — because your personal safety may be in danger if a Trump supporter gets upset with you.


Bring a pen, not a gun. Although nobody has been hurt at Trump rallies so far, in the past violence has broken out among people attending the events. Keep your cell phone at the ready so you can document any incidents that take place, and be prepared to engage in a “defensive” posture if any violence occurs around you. The media is usually blamed for situations like this; make sure that doesn’t happen to you.


Don’t lose your temper or become emotional when confronted with partisan rhetoric. Like it or not, we live in an extremely polarized world today — and it’s one where we are all more likely to get angry at what we see from the other side of the political aisle than toward any opposing political party . As long as you’re nice and polite to everyone you encounter, you’ll be surprisingly well-received.


Do your research before taking sides on political issues. There’s no shame in just listening to both sides of an issue; it’s not that big of a deal or a sign that someone has something to hide. The best thing is to listen up and find out which side has the better argument, then make an informed decision. This allows for a more thought-provoking discussion at work about key issues that are important to you rather than allowing people to talk over your head about their pet topics of debate (which can be incredibly frustrating).


Be friendly with your co-workers regardless of political party affiliation. Anyone who doesn’t

Will the Rally be an Embarrassment or a Success

-Donald Trump is scheduled to hold a rally in Pennsylvania tonight to drum up support for the Republican party in advance of the midterm elections. With less than two weeks before the election, Trump’s rally could have a significant impact on whether or not the Republicans can maintain control of Congress.

-Though his rallies have garnered mixed reviews in the past, Trump’s latest rally may be an embarrassment. A recent poll has shown that only 36% of Americans approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 54% disapprove.

-This means that a large portion of Trump’s supporters will likely not show up to support him tonight.

On the other hand, Trump’s rallies are often successful in terms of mobilizing Republican voters. In 2012, for example, his rallies helped propel him to victory in the Republican primary and eventually become President of the United States. Tonight’s rally may be more successful than previous rallies, though it is still unclear. true


Tonight, President Trump will hold a rally in Phoenix, Arizona to campaign for his re-election. Can he make America great again? We’ll find out soon! In the meantime, let’s hope for the best and stay tuned to our website for updates on this important event. The Goldwater Proudly Presents: The View From Trump Tower (July 10, 2018).


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