Loan and work aid: how to finance your decoration / renovation projects?

Loan and work aid: how to finance your decoration / renovation projects?

What work receives funding?

Work financing can be requested regardless of the amount of the latter. All renovation, insulation, construction, decoration or expansion works are eligible for financing. Regarding the amount of financing, they depend on several criteria such as the nature of the work, the location of the work (city, countryside, which city, etc.), your financial situation, the maximum ceiling set by the lenders and the total cost of the works and loan percentage.

What aid is offered by the State to finance work?

The government actually offers many financial aids to allow you to renovate or build your property. All these aids are available and obtainable under cover of multiple conditions that differ only in their terms depending on the type of work financing requested by the client. It is very important and recommended to find out about the various offers of assistance offered by the State before taking any action.

Find out if you can get help. Obtaining an advantageous loan can allow you a significant reduction in the cost of your work. For example, there is what is called MaPrimeRénov assistance.

What is MaPrimeRénov’ assistance?

Introduced on January 1, 2020, the MaPrimeRénov’ aid was created to replace the energy transition tax credit (CITE) and aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah) “Living better agility “. This aid has been improved as of October 2020 in order to make it accessible to all property owners, in particular by offering them numerous advantages.

Among the benefits granted to the subscriber, we can mention:

a so-called “leakage” bonus to encourage owners to improve the insulation of their property;
a so-called “low-consumption building” bonus if the latter makes the energy improvements necessary to obtain the energy label B or A
a so-called “global renovation” package for owners with medium and high incomes to encourage them to carry out the work necessary to maintain a good energy balance for their property
a so-called “project management assistance” package for owners wishing to seek the help of various real estate professionals in finishing their work

Who can benefit from MaPrimeRénov’ aid?

MaPrimeRénov’ is an aid open to all owners regardless of their income, the nature of their property or their contract (purchase, rental, etc.). Owners wishing to obtain MaPrimeRénov’ state aid must however respect certain conditions.

For example, the owner must declare his property as his main residence to be able to benefit from this aid. In the case of a lessor, he must commit to renting his renovated property for a minimum period of 5 years from the moment he receives the premium. In the event of a reassessment of the rent(s), the owners must deduct the amount of the premium received from the total amount of the work justifying this reassessment and keep their tenants informed.

The MaPrimeRénov’ aid is also applicable to condominiums, in particular for work in the common areas (corridors, entrance threshold, etc.).

What are the conditions for obtaining MaPrimeRénov’ aid?

If the MaPrimeRénov’ aid makes it possible to financially support work such as the insulation of a property, several conditions must however be met to obtain it. First of all, the work – of whatever nature – must be undertaken by companies with the RGE label (Recognized Guarantors for the Environment). We then proceed to calculate the bonus granted and see if it is conceivable. To do this, a series of calculations is made bringing together various data such as your household income, your tax rate that will be linked to the potential profit obtainable by renovating your property.

This result will then be reported and compared through a fee schedule in order to place your file in one or the other level of assistance, like a student grant or a bank loan. Below are the names of the helpers starting from the most modest to the most well-off households:

If you wish to know the amount of your aid, you can use the Simul’aide FAIRE simulator which, with some information (income, nature of the work, estimated cost, etc.), will allow you to know your right.

SEE ALSO: How to get a loan by being on file FICP?

What are the steps to take to benefit from MaPrimeRénov’ aid?
You must first check the eligibility of your work. To do this

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