How to Make a Necklace Out Of Costume Jewelry

Costume Jewelry

Necklaces are a popular accessory, and for good reason. They’re versatile, eye-catching, and add a touch of glamour to any outfit. But how do you go about making your own necklace? There are plenty of tutorials and tips out there, but the best way to learn is by doing. So in this post, we will show you how to make a necklace out of costume jewelry.

Table of contents

  • What You’ll Need
  • How to Make the Necklace
  • Tips for Making a Good Necklace
  • Conclusion

1. What You’ll Need

To make a necklace from costume jewelry, you’ll need:
-A length of chain or cord
-A variety of costume jewelry (including rings and earrings)
-An 18″ or 20″ space between the beads on the necklace
-Round head pins or safety pins
-Necklace knotter tool (optional)
1. Choose your favorite pieces of costume jewelry to use for your necklace. You can mix and match different types of rings and earrings, or just go with one specific type.
2. Cut the desired length of chain or cord. Make sure the space between each bead is at least 18″ or 20″.
3. Thread each piece of jewelry onto one end of the chain or cord.
4. If using a knotter tool, carefully secure all the pieces of jewelry in place by tying a knot in the middle of the cord. If not, simply pin each piece in place wherever you want it to be on your necklace.
5. Hang your necklace up where you want it to hang, making sure that the beads are lined up evenly along the length of the necklace.

2. How to Make the Necklace

Making a necklace out of costume jewelry is easy and can be completed in just a few minutes. All you need is some necklaces, bead pendants, and jump rings.

To make your necklace, start by sorting through your necklaces and finding several that have similar colors and shapes. Choose a necklace with an oval or circular shape that will fit comfortably around your neck.

Once you have chosen your necklace, take a look at the individual beads within it. You’ll need about eight or ten beads to create your necklace, and each one should be about the size of a grain of rice. If any of the beads are larger than this, you can cut them down to size before starting to assemble the necklace.

Begin by threading one bead onto each end of one strand of wire. Then, twist each wire around the bead once so that it forms a knot. Make sure that the ends of each wire are twisted together tightly so that the knot remains secure throughout assembly.

Next, repeat these steps until you have used all of the beads on one strand of wire. Take the next strand of wire and repeat the process until you have created a chain link bracelet-like piece around your neck. Make sure that all of the wires are twisted together securely so that there is no chance of the necklace falling apart in transit.

3. Tips for Making a Good Necklace

Making a good necklace is all about finding the right pieces and putting them together in the right way. Here are some tips for making a great necklace:

1.Think about the look you want. Do you want a classic look or something more modern?
2.Find the right pieces of jewelry to put together. Necklaces can be made with a variety of different types of jewelry, so find what is best suited for your style.
3. Choose an appropriate chain. A good necklace should have a sturdy chain so it doesn’t fall apart easily.
4. When choosing beads, think about how they will look together and choose colors that compliment each other.
5. Make sure to clean and polish your necklace regularly to keep it looking its best!


If you’re looking to make a statement, but don’t want to break the bank, consider making a necklace out of costume jewelry. This project is easy and affordable, and you can create something stunning that will turn heads at your next party or special event. Check out our collection of costume jewelry for more inspiration, or head over to Etsy to find some amazing pieces that are perfect for this DIY project.

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